About two hours ago I was sitting at my desk in the office working on some e-mails when a light rat-tat-tat began on the tin roof. It soon turned to a rumbling roar and in minutes the ground was soaked as the rain thundered down.
We haven't had a real rain since early November and as the rain poured down I couldn't help but think what a beautiful sight it was. Four days ago we were still sleeping outside under the stars because of the heat and today the heavens decided to open up...change comes so fast sometimes!
We went out and stood in the cold rain and as it continued to come down we decided to take advantage of the water coming off the roof to take the cleanest showers we've had in months (just look at the water in my previous post and you'll know why).
I have recently been reading a book of poetry I had for one of my classes at Wake and I think it describes the last few hours pretty well so I'm going to share part of it here.
Moment ~ by Adam Zagajewski
The present moment is shameless,
taking its foolish liberties
beside the wall
of this tired old shrine,
awaiting the millions of years to come,
future wars, geological eras,
cease-fires, treaties, changes in climate-
this moment - what is it - just
a mosquito, a fly, a speck, a scrap of breath,
and yet it's taken over everywhere,
entering the timid grass,
inhabiting stems and genes,
the pupils of our eyes.
This moment, mortal as you or I,
was full of boundless, senseless,
silly joy, as if it knew
something we didn't.