Well, I didn't really do so well at putting up a post from Uganda but here are some pics from my time there. I am back in Sudan again. Right now there are a lot of celebrations going on for Eid (the end of Ramadan). It is a celebration like Christmas, only a slightly different Sudanese version. The rains are slowing down and things are beginning to dry out and get hot. Hope you enjoy the pics.
My sister riding.
Our pets.
Going Fishing
Mom and I fishing.
Mom checking the bunk house in the islands.
Ooops!! No swimming??
Such a relaxing place!
Some of the guys on the island.
Dad eating sugarcane.
Unloading the boat.
Heading to the plane to come back.
Some of my coworkers on the way back to Sudan.
That picture that you called "such a relaxing place" reminds me of spring break at Michael's place at Botany....there was almost that exact same view from the picnic tables in the yard near the hammock!
Mmm sugar cane! Reminds me of Cambodia, where I was this summer. So do the photos of a 4x4 trying to get through deep mud -- but I think we had an easier time of it than you all since it was still technically the dry season. I really enjoyed the sepia-toned photos and your words about Sudan. Hope things are going well. I will continue to check the blog!
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