A look around our compound
Our oldest vehicle. Keeping the vehicles running is a huge task!
This is our little workshop. One of my first projects was to build the green workbench so that I could get stuff done.
This is outside our office. The door on the left is a storeroom/ping pong room. The door on the right is the office.
My desk.
The kitchen.
The dining room. We meet here in the mornings for a short devotional time as a team.
Looking toward my tukol from the office.
Looking toward the office from near my tukol.
This is my tukol. It has been given the name: Ft. Jesus.
My room.
One of my roommates...
Another roommate. There are about a zillion of these things around. They are harmless but incredibly annoying.
"Hot water heater"
The shower.
Outside the outhouse.
Inside the outhouse. (just what you wanted to see - right?)
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