When I was little and we flew KLM I loved it - we used to get these cool pins that had the wings just like a captain and for a little rascal like me who dreamed of being a pilot it was the greatest thing ever. We used to stare out the window at the giant airplanes trying to guess which one was ours...and here I am again. In a little over an hour I will be boarding my flight and taking to the air. I have spent the last few days packing and getting ready and now here I am ready to go - just waiting for that boarding call.
It hasn't quite sunk in that I am really on my way but I am. Four years ago when I left Africa for the US I wondered if I would ever be going back and now here I am about to return to the land that I love so much.
I am not real sure what to expect as I head out and I feel like this is just a rambling entry but mostly I just wanted to let people know that I am leaving the US and will be in Kenya by tomorrow. I will be there until the 5th of July when I head up to Sudan. I am excited about starting my activities there and you can pray that the Lord gives me calm and confidence as I head out.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
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